Monday, October 5, 2009

Those Who Can.

There’s an old school of thought that mostly seems to be ignored in this day and age.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

It’s a principle that can be applied to so many aspects of life, from hitting someone upside the head, to shattering someone’s illusions. It’s application is far reaching and should, in my humble opinion, be more widely used.

Upon consideration, it’s lead me into some interesting areas of thought. I won’t spend too long on it tonight, but here are my initial reflections on the subject:

Let’s start with a simple and well known fictional example. Jurassic Park. In that film, one fantastically cynical Doctor Ian Malcolm states, in one of many humours one-liners “Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.”
He was correct of course, as proven by the mass death caused by the carnivorous reptilian assailants that stalked he and his comrades across the island.

Lets remove the dinosaurs and insert any untested and potentially dangerous scientific development.
Whilst I am totally in favour of scientific advancement for the betterment of mankind, there are many examples of advancement that are far from bettering the world.
It is in those cases, such as the development of weapons, that the people behind them, those who realise they CAN, need to stop and question if they SHOULD.

What do they gain from it? A bigger stick than the next guy? Another means of destruction? Another stepping stone towards the desolation of mankind?

To take a more socially applicable view of the point, let us take a childhood staple for a lot of people across the world.

Santa Claus.

You know dear Cringle is not of the corporeal. Yet on the 24th of December his coming is anticipated by those younger than us, filling them with excitement and the wonder of the season. For a few scant years of youth, on that night, they believe in magic. A man will deliver toys and reindeer will fly through the sky, no matter what Mister Newton and his laws say.
You could easily ruin it though, couldn’t you? Take the children aside and tell them the truth of the matter. Shatter their ideals of that magic with the cold hard slap of reality.

You could.
Should you?

I’d say no. Let them have their illusion, their magic, their wonder. The future will have enough for them to contend with.
That very concept can be expanded further, beyond the boundaries of childhood.
If someone believes in something that is not damaging to them or those around them, that you know, for a fact, is untrue, should you ‘enlighten’ them?

Despite my stance for truth and justice and all that, I still firmly believe that sometimes all we need is a good lie!
I can hear some of you out there scoffing at that, but think about it. It has been medically documented that the placebo affect can have positive affects on a sick individual. In fact, the mere belief that they are going to be ok, can significantly enhance a patients recovery.
There are a million example of what one can do and what one should do, just as there are a million examples of moments when the ‘good’ and the ‘kind’ thing are two different things.

It’s complicated at best and completely baffling at worst.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Just because you should doesn’t mean you can.
Just because it’s good doesn’t mean it’s kind.
Just because you know that, doesn’t make it easier to make up your mind.

I need a coffee.


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