Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Money Can't Buy Happiness

Money doesn’t buy happiness. That’s true. But it can buy you security and free time to pursue what makes you happy.

That’s the way society’s built.

Of course if you don’t happen to be a millionaire then chances are, you’re going to spend a large portion of your life working away.
Lets face it though, unless you’re doing the job you absolutely love, you’re not always going to be bright eyed and bushy tailed heading to work. Nobody WANTS to spend all that time in work.

There has to be a better way.

So, as my theory to over throw the current order is not one that was as readily accepted as I’d hoped and I want to save my life theories for another time, I’ve come up with a different solution.

Lets say, for arguments sake, a person works a part time job of twenty four hours a week. That’s the average hours of your regular part time worker.

That twenty four hours a week spread out over a week can take up about four days.
Six hours a day.
Right. Good.

Socially you are unable to really do much on those four days other than get ready for work and head home from work.

Depending on what days you’re working you can be quite restricted in your activities, even on your days off.

Not really much of a life. You should be working so you can enjoy life, not snatching mere moments between work days.

So here’s an idea. Since it’s not time to over throw anyone yet, what if you took those 24 hours and split it into two twelve hour days? Six hours. Break(not counted) and then six hours more.
Not just for one person but for all the staff working those types of hours.

Suddenly a max of three days to yourself possibly slotted between work days becomes five days. You could do so much with five days worth of freedom a week.
Then an employer would simply rotate his staff to cover two days at a time. Everyone gets five days off and the world becomes a more carefree place.

What about the 40 hour weeks I hear you ask?

Officially I think work hours should be cut, but this is a temporary solution.

40 Hrs= 8hrs Per Day X 5 Days a week.
40hrs= 12hrs Per Day X 3. 333 days a week

Again, by concentrating the work hours, you find yourself with more free time.
Yes, it would be a radical change in how things are done, Yes it’d take time to adapt. But it’s doable.

With a little more free time and a little less work, or in this case structured work, the world might just be a better place.


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