Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Way of the World

One of the things I found early on in life, was that I had to be open to the fact that I may be wrong. It’s the only way to learn. I may have a lot of ideas, but if I was never to accept that they might be wrong, I’d never know the truth. My fun with possibilities would be gone because I wouldn‘t be even open to it.

To quote a certain movie “Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the centre of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.”

I like possibility. Possibility and probability are some of my favourite things to debate.

Will I wake up tomorrow to find society in ruins? Probably not. But through a series of highly unlikely events it IS possible.
Will I become a rock star? Probably not. But again, it’s possible.
Could vampires exist? Highly improbable. But through some genetic off shoot of humanity, the right conditions and necessity, sure, its theoretically possible.

These are the thoughts that make up my day and I enjoy them. I enjoy working out how it could come to be. Sometimes the more absurd the better.

Take water for example. We are, on average, between 55% to 78% percent water, depending on body type, size, sex and fat content.
I was thinking the other day that it’s possible that the fact that we came from the water, evolutionarily speaking, consist of so much water and need so much water to simply survive, that perhaps liquid, in it’s many states, has more of an impact on our minds than we would realise.

Why wouldn’t it? It’s so very important to our continued existence, but because it’s so readily available, in bottles and from your humble tap, we do take it for granted.
Like a lot of things, we would notice it’s significance more in it’s absence.

What if though, water and its states have had more of an affect than simple survival needs?
What if it’s somehow impacted on our mind in other ways and thusly made it’s way into comparative terms, items and acts in every day society?

Take money for example.
Notes= Solids
Coins= Liquid
Banking/ investment= Gas

Three form of our currency. Indeed, in finance we even refer to ‘Liquid assets’ and ‘Liquidation’.
I began to wonder why we would use such comparatives. Why these in particular? Is it the water speaking? Has it imprinted itself upon our mind?

This is of course only an idea. A possibility. A shot in the dark. A musing.

The point is, I could very well be wrong. It could be total rubbish.

People shouldn’t be afraid of being wrong and definitely not afraid of new ideas.
Sure it mightn’t work out. But if Einstein was too afraid of the possibility that he might be wrong to voice and test out his theories, where would physics be today? If Newton had just kept quite about that apple because gravity seemed like a silly idea….well ok somebody else might have figured that one out…. But his laws of motion dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries.

They all started as simple ideas and those ideas can happen anywhere.

Archimedes discovered water displacement in the bath after all.

My message to you, is to not dismiss ideas out of hand. Sure, they may seem absurd, but they could also be revolutionary new ways of thinking.

Think. Test. Learn.

Never be afraid to be wrong about an idea.
The worst that’ll happen is you’ll learn something.


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